Faerie Elaine Silver, wonderful singer, songwriter and more. | The Isis Connection, Website and email newsletter. | ||
Frank Southecorvo Saxophonist, Composer, Band Leader. We often work together in the Asheville, NC area. | Cheryl Yambrach Rose - Visionary Painter and Leader of Journeys of the Spirit. Cheryl painted the the cover art for the Keeper of the Holy Grail album. | ||
Scott Kalechstein, Divinely and Terrestrially inspired singer/songwriter. | Peyman Nasehpour, Persian art music percussionist, member of Positive_Music@yahoogroups.com | ||
Living Successfully Radio with Bob Keeton A great show and a good guy, Bob has recorded two shows with me, including one on Camelot Reawakened aired on Wisdom Radio and Sirius Radio. | Donna Michael, vocalist, pianist, speaker, member of Mystic Harmony, and all around great person! | ||
Jessie Ayani, author, shaman, workshop leader, journey guide, collaborator (Deep Trance Shamanic Journeys Vols. 1 & 2), and good friend. | John English, author, shaman, teacher, and new friend. | ||
Barry and Janae Weinhold and the Carolina Institute for Conflict Resolution and Creative Leadership (CICRCL): Renaissance couple who offer many tools to create a better world, focussing on new paradigms for relationships and community | Jack Bloomfield - One Planet United www.OPUNITED.ORG - a non profit organization that provides innovative programs for understanding and healing in society. | ||
Pam Huck of MedSpaDistributors: www.medspadistributors.com. They carry products for health and beauty focusing on the Spa market. | Hilda Charlton's web site: www.hildacharlton.com. My spiritual teacher. Of course I have had innumerable spiritual teachers, but Hilda stands out as the first major spiritual influence in my life. Her Love and teachings have been invaluable to me. | ||
Kate at TheAwakeningSoul.com - Messenger, Teacher, Angel Therapist, Counselor, Radio and TV host, and Good Friend | Aura Magazine and Vince Renfro, Advertising & Marketing Director - generous and supportive of me and my music! www.auramag.com | ||
Ernest Chu, entrepreneur, prosperity coach, marketing wizard, long time supporter of my music, and author of Soul Currency: Investing Your Spiritual Wealth for an Abundant and Fulfilled Life. | Ken and Amy LaDeroute of www.AffirmationPower.com. Positive Daily Affirmations and New Age Music Online. Affirmation Power offers daily motivational affirmation, new age music online and meditation resources to support personal growth and development. | ||
Fran Kowalczyk, Friend and healer who has developed the Transformative Healing Energy T.H.E.® Technique for healing and prevention. | Barbara Biziou, author, meditation and ritual teacher at Joyofritual.com | ||
Kayite Ashcraft, channel, author Light worker at www.awakeningtoyou.com. | Justin Wilson, web designer extraordinaire! |