The Pure Heart Ensemble
Richard Shulman teams with 4 wonderful musicians (adding cello, flutes, wordless vocals and crystal bowls) to form The Pure Heart Ensemble and create an acoustic recording, Bliss of Being, that not only celebrates the feeling of bliss, but also the journey getting there.
Featuring Richard Shulman – piano, Kate Steinbeck or Georgia Pressman – flutes, Dielle Ciesco or Kim Hughes – vocals, Bob Hinkle – crystal bowls, and (not shown) Adriana Contino or Elizabeth Gergel – cello.
Select performances available. Here’s a testimonial from Pat Christy about our 5/9/14 concert at the UR Light Center:
This was an amazing performance with new compositions coming from Richard Shulman and his new group, who blend like overlapping ripples in clear blue water with voice, flute, cello, crystal bowls &, of course, piano that is often played like the harp that it really is. The top of my head tingles just thinking about it. THANK YOU!
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